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Christ The King 
Community Church 
is now... 

The Woodlands, Spring, Conroe


About Us

What Is  A "Word & Spirit" Church?

Our focus is to be equally committed to the Word of God and the life and ministry of the Holy Spirit -- Biblically grounded and Spirit empowered.  In so doing, we are an organic and authentic community set on following Jesus and living lives formed by the ways of Jesus.  We are committed to building each other up as a family and reaching into our community with the love of Jesus and His kingdom life.


We Value:

1) Pursuing God's Presence -- we are a Presence-Driven Church.  We pursue the heart of God, through His Son Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Everything we do is born from that single pursuit.


2) Preparing God's People -- we are committed to Biblical Discipleship - teaching each generation to wholeheartedly love Jesus and obey Him as our way of life.  Our mandate is to make ready a people prepared for the current work of Jesus and His soon return.  

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Solid In-depth Bible Teaching:  It is our desire to know the Bible, do what it says and experience the life it describes.  The famous evangelist D.L. Moody once said the Bible was not given for our information, but our transformation.  We believe the faithful study of the Scriptures leads us to an encounter with God that transforms our lives.  "For the word of God is living and active..."  Hebrews 4:12


Passionate Worship & Prayer:  Our passion is to create an atmosphere where God is experienced, not just talked about.  Our priority is to relate to God personally and encounter Him in a relational way.  This is most effectively accomplished through intimate expressions of worship and pressing into God's heart through sincere prayer.   "...let us draw near [to God] with a true heart in full assurance of faith..."  Hebrews 10:22


Commitment To Loving Our Neighbors:  We want God's truth, goodness and love to have a tangible expression in our community.  Our commitment is to be devoted to the fellowship of believers and engaged in God's kingdom work in our neighborhoods and communities in practical ways; demonstrating the compassion of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit.  "Let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth."   1 John 3:18



FEB 09

Sunday Worship

10:30 AM  -  12:30 PM

Worship, Prayer, Communion. 

Book Study Acts 22

FEB 16

Equipping Class

6:00 PM  -  7:15 PM

Learn to Interact with God While Studying the Bible

FEB 13

Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM  -  8:30 PM

Worship &  Prayer


All gatherings at 24950 Spring Ridge Drive, Spring, TX 77386
We invite you to join us at our next gathering...

What to expect:  


        A warm, authentic group of people who love God and each other.  Although we are just a handful at this early stage, we are confident that God is preparing and gathering people who are wanting more in their relationship with God and long to be in the middle of what God is doing in our community today.


        A relaxed atmosphere...  You do not need to "dress-up" to attend.  When you arrive you will notice people mingling  and enjoying the company of each other.  


        We worship together as a family during the first hour of our service.  Our service consist of worship, prayer, teaching from the Scriptures, ministry to each other and receiving communion together.  We do release the children for a special time of teaching during the second hour (for children 5 years old through 10 years old).  There is also a nursery/cry room available for parents with infants and toddlers just off our main meeting area.


        We value relationships... so we hope you would consider arriving early or hanging around for a little while after our meeting to get to know new friends.  


        We eagerly desire the life-giving activity of the Holy Spirit and anticipate the tangible reality of God ‘s presence with us (Acts 1:8, I Corinthians 4:24-25).  We continually seek to follow the leading of Jesus as we believe He is always working to bring about the transformation of our lives, our families and our communities.  We desire to be authentic in our response to Jesus without hype or manipulation.  We value corporate and personal ministry that comes alongside people to compassionately invite the Holy Spirit’s work of healing and encouragement.  Our priority and our prayer is that all who gather will know that "God is really among us." 


Statement of Faith

  • God
    There is one, eternal God, Creator and Lord of the universe who, in the unity of the Father, the Son [Jesus Christ] and the Holy Spirit, both governs all things according to His will and is accomplishing His purpose in the world and in the church.
  • Holy Scripture
    The Holy Scripture in its entirety is inspired by God’s Spirit through human authors and constitutes the revelation of God’s truth to humanity. It is wholly true and trustworthy in all that it affirms. Whatever the Bible is found to teach, we are bound to believe and obey. It is our supreme authority in every matter of belief and conduct.
  • Humanity
    All human beings are created in God’s own likeness, to be His image in the world, and therefore have inherent value and equality before God. Human sin and guilt since the fall have rendered us subject to God’s wrath and righteous judgement and have resulted in our alienation from God’s life, suppression of God’s truth and hostility to God’s law. God’s love desires all to come to repentance and to be reconciled rather than condemned.
  • Salvation
    Salvation from the guilt, penalty and all other consequences of sin has been achieved solely through the work of Jesus Christ – his perfect obedience, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection and exaltation as Lord. Jesus alone is truly God and truly human, the only mediator between God and humanity. There is salvation through no other person, creed, process or power. Each sinner is justified before God and reconciled to God only by divine grace appropriated by faith in Jesus Christ.
  • The Work of the Holy Spirit
    The work of the Holy Spirit is necessary for the individual’s new birth and growth to maturity. The Holy Spirit empowers and indwells the church, enabling its constant renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, ministry, power and mission. We expect the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the fruit, shaping our character, and the gifts, empowering our ministry.
  • The Church
    There is one, holy, universal and apostolic church, which is the Body of Christ, and to which all true believers in Jesus Christ our Lord belong. The church’s calling is to worship God forever and to serve God and His kingdom purposes in the world. As the Father sent His Son Jesus into the world, so the Lord Jesus Christ sends His church to participate in God’s mission by words and works. According to the Scriptures this mission includes: making Christ known; proclaiming God’s truth and the gospel of God’s grace; making disciples among all nations; exhibiting God’s character through compassionate care for the needy; demonstrating the reality of God’s kingdom through holy and sacrificial living, the community of love, the quest for righteousness, justice and peace, and the care of God’s creation.
  • The Sacraments
    We believe the Church is to administer the sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ in the Gospel accounts of His life and ministry. We believe that water baptism and the Lord's Supper are to be observed until the time of Christ's return. They are not a means of salvation but are sacramental channels of God's sanctifying grace and blessing to the faithful in Christ Jesus.
  • God's Design for Marriage, Family & Sexuality
    God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. The family is designed to be a picture (or image) on the earth of God's fellowship with Humanity. Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His church and to provide the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of sexual expression according to biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race. We believe that God’s original creative design, as set forth in Scripture, is for complete fidelity (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) within heterosexual and monogamous marriage. Regardless of one’s marital status, we believe Christians should pursue purity and abstain from sexually immoral practices such as adultery, premarital sex, and pornography. Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord. Parents are to love, nurture, provide for and protect their children, demonstrating to their children God’s pattern for life, marriage and family. Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral values and to lead them, through consistent example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth. Children are to honor and obey their parents. We believe that human identity is righty understood and realized in relationship with God. God wonderfully and immutably created each person as distinctly male or female. These two distinct and divinely representative genders together reflect the image and nature of God. We believe that the fullest, most rewarding experience of life includes the acceptance of a person’s God-given biological gender that is defined by his or her natural birth. The rejection of one’s biological gender diminishes the reflection of the image of God within a person. We should remember that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. In some cases some have been sinned against through abusive and manipulative relationships. In the instance that sin has caused division and/or destruction to the family unit or human relationships in general, we can be forgiven because of Christ saving work on the cross, we can be healed because of God's compassion, mercy and grace, and we can be redeemed and restored to right relationship with God and each other.
  • God's Posture Towards Humanity
    God created humanity and designed all of creation to facilitate and promote humanity's relationship with God. Because of God's design, humanity finds it highest significance, fulfillment and satisfaction in fellowship with God. Yet, humanity has chosen to go its own way and live independently of God. Because of God's purpose for humanity, His desire is not to condemn or forsake humanity, but to be reconciled to them. Being holy, God will not allow sin and rebellion into His fellowship or His new creation. Sin destroys all that it touches in creation. Therefore, God is on a rescue mission to redeem and restore humanity, and all creation, to His original design and purpose. In God's everlasting love, He is working to draw humanity through His lovingkindess. His compassion, mercy and grace are available to any and all that repent and turn back to God. His kindness is meant to lead all to repentance. His patience and endurance with humanity is evidence of His undying love that is most powerfully and prominently displayed in the person and life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Being fully God and fully man, Jesus is the one mediator between God and man and in His sinless life, sacrificial death and bodily resurrection has made possible humanity's place in the fellowship and life of God for those who repent of their life independent from God and turn to trust Jesus Christ with their lives. Sin will eternally separate us from God's presence and His eternal life. Yet, nothing separates us from God's love and He is patiently working and waiting for all to turn to Him. He has given us breath in our lungs, and numerous blessings to sustain our lives on this earth in hopes that we will turn to Him and find our true lives.
  • Last Things
    As the Lord Jesus ascended to his Father, so he will return personally, visibly and in glory. He will raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to final completion. Concerning the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment, those whose trust is in Jesus Christ will be resurrected to eternal life and those who have rejected Jesus to eternal death or separation from God. God will then fully establish his Kingdom and finish the new creation – a new heaven and a new earth from which all evil and evildoers, all suffering and death, will be excluded and in which God will be glorified forever.

Thank You For Your Generosity

Reaching Out to The Woodlands & Spring
With the Love of Jesus

The Gathering operates completely on the financial contributions of those who attend.  Your generosity helps us share the love of God with our community.  May His Kingdom come and His will be done in The Woodlands, Spring and Conroe.



Address: 24950 Spring Ridge Drive, Spring, TX 77389

Tel: 832-710-8244

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